Posts by
Anjali Jameson
Anjali Jameson

Zipongo Products and Service
4 MIN READ | January 8, 2016
End of Year Zipongo Product UpdateIn the midst of enjoying big holiday meals with friends and family, we’ve been busy at work on a number of new features and functionality just in time for the new year. We also had the privilege of la...

Zipongo Products and Service
4 MIN READ | October 13, 2015
Zipongo Product Updates for OctoberAt Zipongo, the product development team releases code almost daily. Small teams of engineers, designers, product managers and data scientists work rapidly to design (test), build (test) and release (...

Zipongo Products and Service
3 MIN READ | November 6, 2015
Zipongo Product Updates for NovemberOctober was a busy month here at Zipongo, and we have several product updates to show for it. We completely redesigned our homepage and improved the login experience. We shifted our entire stack over...

Zipongo Products and Service
3 MIN READ | January 30, 2015
Welcome to the New ZipongoIf you visit today, you'll probably notice some changes. That's because we refreshed the platform with a bunch of updates aimed at making the experience simpler to use, easier on the eyes...