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Welcome to the New Zipongo

Anjali Jameson
3 minute read | Friday, January 30, 2015
Welcome to the New Zipongo

If you visit today, you’ll probably notice some changes. That’s because we refreshed the platform with a bunch of updates aimed at making the experience simpler to use, easier on the eyes and mobile-friendly. Here are a few things you may notice.

Logo Refresh

We wanted our logo to better reflect the role we play in our customers’ lives  as a trustworthy partner supporting your efforts around eating better. And so our brand has grown up a little, with an updated tagline along with a simplified and warmer look and feel.

Check out the Before (with “Health Yourself”) and After (with “Eating well made simple”):  

A Better Look and Feel

Additionally, we updated our site colors, components and background to create a warmer, more consistent feel. This change also brings the images of the food front and center, and it makes effective use of the full width of your computer screen.



Simplified Navigation and Content

In order to make it easier to find and access what you’re looking for, we simplified and consolidated our navigation and, in some cases, the content within each section. Check out one example of this change in the About Us section.



Easier-to-Use Questionnaire

And for those Zipongo users who have premium access to our Food Frequency Questionnaire, you’ll find the survey is now more interactive and easier to use.



Cleaner Mobile View

Finally, while we recommend downloading one of our native apps (iOS, Android and Windows) for the best mobile experience possible, we’re confident that the Zipongo experience is now much easier to view and navigate on your mobile web browser.

Welcome to the new Zipongo. And please let us know what you think at We’d love to hear from you.

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