Here’s what’s been happening at Zipongo this month.
The first thing you’ll notice when you go to is that we’ve designed a new look and feel for our front door. Our goal for this project was to better tell the Zipongo story. There will many more improvements ahead, but this, we hope, gets us started.
With the front page redesign, we’ve also made it much easier to find your company, register and log in quickly.
In bigger news, the first week of October marked the completion of a several month project to move our entire stack over from PHP to Node. It was an incredibly complex and delicate job to do given the number of moving pieces. The project was a surgical effort to maintain both stacks while building out a more scalable and flexible architecture.
To celebrate, we broke open some bubbly, of course. However, in true Zipongo fashion, we also took turns smashing a huge piñata labeled ‘PHP’ (à la “Office Space”). It was very cathartic.
Finally, we built and released several user experience enhancements including:
- The ability to scale recipes up and down to accommodate different numbers of servings.
- New categories just in time for the holidays (check out our Thanksgiving recipe collection)
- Improvements to our recommendation engine to create more flexibility and accuracy around our lunchtime recommendations
If you have any feedback, or are interested in trying out beta versions of our product, please let us know at: