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Zipongo Product Updates for October

Anjali Jameson
4 minute read | Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Zipongo Product Updates for October

At Zipongo, the product development team releases code almost daily. Small teams of engineers, designers, product managers and data scientists work rapidly to design (test), build (test) and release (test), new features and functionality. This speed is important for any product-centric organization but even more so in digital health, where flexibility can allow that many more chances to land on solutions that fundamentally change behavior (and allow us to figure out quickly which ones have no effect!).

Starting this month, we want to provide a more regular summary of what the team has been up to, both those changes that are visible and those under the hood. 

September is traditionally the time of year when we begin to gear up for new and return customer launches. These follow traditional open enrollment launch timeframes of October 1st and January 1st. Our biggest focus of September, then, was on getting ourselves ready to onboard new customers and many thousands of new users. This included:

  • A fair number of large-scale integrations with new clients and partners
  • Continuing to improve platform scalability and performance
  • Additional security measures on both web and mobile

While these efforts were the main focus for our team during the month of September, we also reserved a significant portion of our bandwidth to build and release several important user experience enhancements. Here are a few highlights:

You can now filter all of our recipe and cafe recommendations by a pescetarian diet, hiding recipes and meals that contain red meat or poultry, but showing those that contain fish or shellfish. A few of us pescetarians here at Zipongo were extra enthusiastic about this one!

To further enhance the recipe discovery experience, we also added more categories based on feedback from our users, including a “Low Calorie” and a “High Protein” category.

This month also saw major enhancements to search, including the ability to search by any ingredient on the platform, as well as quickly finding recipes by meal type (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).

If you have any feedback, or are interested in trying out beta versions of our product, please let us know at:


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