Posts tagged
Heart Health
Heart Health
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Heart Health
10 MIN READ | November 8, 2023
High Cholesterol: Treatment and Nutritionanaging high cholesterol is crucial for overall health and reducing the risk of heart-related complications. This article provides an in-depth overview of the various approaches to treating high cholesterol, including lifestyle modifications, medication options, natural remedies and supplements, regular monitoring, coordinated care with healthcare professionals, and additional considerations for a holistic approach to better heart health...

Healthy Diet
6 MIN READ | March 2, 2023
Heart Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and 6 Tips for PreventionFoodsmart's registered dietitians can help you create a diet to prevent heart disease and offer nutrition guidance to mitigate heart-related conditions...

5 MIN READ | February 24, 2023
Fill Up on Fiber for a Healthy HeartA fiber-rich diet of heart healthy foods can improve cholesterol, blood pressure and more. Meet with a dietitian to create a personalized nutrition plan...

Healthy Diet
6 MIN READ | December 29, 2022
Is Fasting Actually Good For You?The tradition of fasting goes back thousands of years, but more folks are trying it.....

Nutrition & Health
4 MIN READ | January 28, 2022
10 Tips for a Heart-Healthy Valentine’s DayCelebrate this Valentine’s Day with heart-healthy indulgences that show the ones you care about how much you love them...

Nutrition & Health
6 MIN READ | March 25, 2021
9 Health Numbers to KnowDespite concerns that Americans face a decline in life expectancy, we still enjoy a relatively.....

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | February 9, 2021
Don’t Skip A Beat On These 4 Heart-Healthy Nutrition TipsGive your heart the love it deserves with a healthy diet full of fiber, healthy fats, antioxidants, and heart-loving spices...

Healthy Fats
4 MIN READ | January 18, 2020
Health Benefits of NutsIf you've been avoiding nuts because of their high fat content, you might want to consider adding them back into your diet again. A recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine has shown that pean...

Omega-3 Fats
5 MIN READ | August 12, 2019
Dietitians’ Favorite Nut ButtersNut and seed butters are a delicious way to fit healthy fats and proteins into.....

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | February 21, 2019
3 Hacks for Better HydrationStaying hydrated is essential to our health, but sipping on plain water can get boring.....

7 MIN READ | April 2, 2019
A Beginner’s Guide to Meatless MondayWhether or not you’ve read any Michael Pollan articles or had a heart-to-heart with your.....

Weight Loss
4 MIN READ | February 5, 2019
4 Flavorful Salt Swaps to Eat Less SodiumReducing your sodium intake can be tough when it’s hiding in so many of our.....

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | November 24, 2018
Should You Be Watching Your Sodium?It’s common knowledge that Americans consume too much sodium, largely from processed and fast foods......

Nutrition & Health
4 MIN READ | January 21, 2019
3 Healthier Alternatives to Vegetable OilVegetable oil is a common ingredient in everyday cooking and baking recipes. Here we explain just what "vegetable oil" is, and offer 3 healthier options...

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | November 2, 2018
Is White Meat Healthier?Is white meat really healthier than dark? A dietitian breaks down the differences and helps you choose which protein to pick...

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | April 10, 2018
The Mediterranean Diet Versus Meds for Heart HealthCardiovascular disease is still the number one killer in America and has been for the.....

Nutrition & Health
5 MIN READ | May 4, 2018
Can You Be Fit and Overweight?Feeling motivated to lose weight so you can improve your health? Healthcare providers often.....

Healthy Diet
6 MIN READ | April 9, 2018
Is Dark Chocolate Good For You?The story of chocolate begins with the simple bean of the cacao tree. Over 2,000.....

Nutrition & Health
5 MIN READ | January 29, 2018
5 Sources of Salt You May Not Know AboutFebruary, the month of love and chocolate, also happens to be National Heart Health.....

Healthy Diet
6 MIN READ | December 13, 2017
The Best Foods for Healthful FatsLike carbohydrates and protein, fat is a vital macronutrient necessary to support health. Dietary fat.....

Nutrition & Health
4 MIN READ | October 19, 2017
Three Steps to Enjoying a Good Local HikeWhen was the last time you went on a hike? If you’re like most city.....

Nutrition & Health
6 MIN READ | June 7, 2017
Are Red Wine’s Benefits Overblown?Do you unwind with a glass of wine? Many of us celebrate our important life.....

Nutrition & Health
5 MIN READ | July 4, 2017
Is Coconut Oil Really Bad for Your Heart?If you’re a health fanatic, you will have heard about the coconut commotion. In its.....

Nutrition & Health
5 MIN READ | March 31, 2017
How Many Eggs Should You Really Eat?Do you still have reservations about eating eggs? For 40 years we’ve been warned by.....