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Preparing for New Nutritional Guidelines

Jason Langheier, MD, MPH
3 minute read | Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 promises to be a momentous year in healthcare.

Starting this year, health plans and self-insured employers will be required to provide additional preventive services to employees and plan members.

In this video, Zipongo CEO and Founder, Jason Langheier, MD, MPH, discusses the upcoming nutritional guidelines and some innovative ways to meet the requirements.

Are you prepared for 2016?

The US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has expanded what nutritional and dietary services health plans and insurers must cover. 

Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday, January 20 at 10am PT as we discuss the new requirements; what steps organizations can take to prepare; and some innovative methods to meet them.

Space is limited so register today!

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