Inside Scoop: “Zipongo” is Changing to “Foodsmart”
While we recognize the world is a bit chaotic today, we are at an incredibly exciting juncture at Zipongo. When we came up with the name “Zipongo” 10 years ago, we wanted a company name that showcased the energy that people would possess when eating healthfully, and we feel like our product has largely created that for the over 1 million people like you that we serve today.
Upon recently crossing this 1 million user threshold, we began reflecting on the millions more that we hope to help eat healthfully, especially in light of COVID-19, which has exposed how critical nutrition improvement is for people with hypertension, diabetes, and other nutrition-related ailments. We also reflected on the conversations we had with many of our users firsthand, who often asked us “What does Zipongo mean?”
Finally, as we are significantly evolving our product to include more recipes, partnerships with world-renowned brands (stay tuned!), and broader access to at-home personalized nutrition services, we are confident that we are creating the best experience yet to help you reach your nutrition goals. Given all of this, we will be changing our company and product name to “Foodsmart” over the course of the year. This is a name that, unlike Zipongo, doesn’t need extra explaining: it is a product that helps you eat healthy food, and to do so in a smart way.
What do you need to do? Nothing! You will start seeing some transitions to Foodsmart in your app and blog content over the next few months, and we will send more information out when the change is official. For now, sign into your account to continue using all of the great tools that you love.

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