Posts by
Trinh Le, MPH, RD
Trinh Le, MPH, RD

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | July 20, 2022
5 Power Food Pairings That Boost NutritionGet the most out of your meal with food synergy. Certain foods are even more.....

Nutrition & Health
6 MIN READ | March 3, 2022
10 Gym-Free Hacks to Get More ActiveA few small changes can help us score more activity without stepping foot into a gym!...

Nutrition & Health
6 MIN READ | March 25, 2021
9 Health Numbers to KnowDespite concerns that Americans face a decline in life expectancy, we still enjoy a relatively.....

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | October 20, 2020
The Benefits of Vitamin D (+3 Natural Food Sources Rich in Vitamin D)Your body uses sunlight to synthesize vitamin D which helps maintain bone health, regulate the immune system and influence mood...

Healthy Diet
6 MIN READ | October 12, 2020
5 Weight Loss Claims DebunkedIn a sea of fad diets, it’s easy to lose track of what’s realistic. The.....

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | February 12, 2019
16 Fun Ways to Celebrate National Nutrition MonthMarch is National Nutrition Month, so to celebrate we’ve put together a list of fun,.....

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | September 5, 2018
5 Benefits of Pumpkin (+5 Recipes)T’is the season for pumpkins! Read on to discover cool pumpkin trivia, learn benefits of pumpkin and get tasty recipes...

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | September 5, 2018
What to Choose at the Salad BarIt’s hard to know what to choose at the salad bar. You want a satisfying and nutritious salad, but there’s also a line building up behind you...

Healthy Diet
11 MIN READ | July 16, 2018
15 of the Best Fiber Sources for Weight LossWe often overlook our need for fiber because we associate it with the stuff that.....

Healthy Diet
3 MIN READ | August 27, 2018
A Nutritionist’s Guide to Whole Grains Plus 10 to TryNutrition pop quiz: white rice or brown? If you picked brown, you may know this whole grain is the healthier choice, but what’s so good about it? Read on for details about what whole grains really are...

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | April 10, 2018
The Mediterranean Diet Versus Meds for Heart HealthCardiovascular disease is still the number one killer in America and has been for the.....

Nutrition & Health
5 MIN READ | May 4, 2018
Can You Be Fit and Overweight?Feeling motivated to lose weight so you can improve your health? Healthcare providers often.....

Nutrition & Health
5 MIN READ | June 4, 2018
7 Tips to Take the Stress Out of Summer VacationsA vacation is time to kick back, spend time with loved ones and decompress.....

Nutrition & Health
4 MIN READ | March 12, 2018
Should I Have a Sports Drink with My Workout?The Centers for Disease Control estimates that Americans drink an average of 145 calories from.....

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | February 14, 2018
5 Spices for a Stronger Immune SystemA robust immune system keeps you healthy in spite of the bacteria, viruses and countless.....

Nutrition & Health
5 MIN READ | March 9, 2018
7 Science-Backed Ways to Boost Your MetabolismLosing weight is a struggle, and it can be especially frustrating if you have friends.....

Nutrition & Health
6 MIN READ | December 18, 2017
Do You Really Need a Protein Supplement?Protein is found throughout the body — it makes up the structures of almost everything,.....

Nutrition & Health
6 MIN READ | January 14, 2018
8 Easy Stretches You Can Do at Your DeskSitting is the new smoking. At least that’s how the media portrays what they call.....

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | October 24, 2017
Take the 10-Day Better Breakfast Challenge!A well-balanced breakfast is one easy habit that can help you start your day off.....

Eating Out
8 MIN READ | October 2, 2017
15 Healthier Fast Food ChoicesEating on-the-go and on-the-road is tough. You’re at the mercy of all those convenient and.....

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | November 10, 2017
7 Memory-Boosting FoodsA well-balanced diet rich in fruit, veggies, whole grains and healthy fats (think: olive oil.....

Nutrition & Health
4 MIN READ | October 19, 2017
Three Steps to Enjoying a Good Local HikeWhen was the last time you went on a hike? If you’re like most city.....

Healthy Habits
6 MIN READ | September 27, 2017
7 Types of Yoga for All LevelsYoga is a popular practice that can encompass physical, mental and spiritual elements. Many varieties.....

Healthy Habits
5 MIN READ | September 20, 2017
5K Training Plan for Beginner RunnersYou know running is good for you, but signing up for a race can feel.....