Posts by
Sheila Viswanathan, EdD, MPH, RD
Sheila Viswanathan, EdD, MPH, RD

Healthy Habits
4 MIN READ | November 7, 2021
Why the Mediterranean Diet Is the Best DietWhen you’re talking about healthy eating, the conversation inevitably turns to which diet is the best for overall health. While researchers continue to search for the answer to this question, we’re ge...

Nutrition & Health
5 MIN READ | March 25, 2021
9 Stress-Busting FoodsStress seems to have a designated spot in most of our lives these days, given all our activities and commitments. While the optimal solution is to address the root cause of the stress, there are dietary tips that can help shield your body against the effects of chronic stress...

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | June 18, 2018
Food in the News: Microbiome Discoveries and Big Changes for MenusJust in case you’re not as glued to the food headlines as we are, here’s.....

Healthy Diet
5 MIN READ | March 20, 2018
How Our Nutrition Needs Change With AgeNutrition needs change as we get older, and thanks to advances in medicine and.....

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | January 4, 2018
How to Kick the Soda HabitGetting rid of a soda habit is one of the best things you can do.....

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | January 16, 2018
Tips for Cutting Back on AlcoholDrinking too much alcohol is bad for health, and taking steps to cut back if.....

Nutrition & Health
4 MIN READ | November 15, 2017
Ask a Dietitian: What Is the Ketogenic Diet?There are lots of approaches to losing weight, and success varies. In a nutshell, the ketogenic diet is a food pattern that puts your body into a state of ketosis...

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | October 10, 2017
Can You Stop Inflammation with Food?There is no doubt that your diet plays a role in your weight. Just how.....

Healthy Diet
4 MIN READ | December 1, 2017
What to Eat for Better SleepBusy schedules and hectic lifestyles can mean that we shortchange ourselves on sleep. More than.....

Nutrition & Health
4 MIN READ | August 2, 2017
Is Sugar Ever Good for You?Much of today’s dietary advice encourages you to “avoid sugar” or “eat fewer sweets.” But.....

Nutrition & Health
4 MIN READ | July 31, 2017
Foods You Should Eat TogetherMost of the time, we plan meals around flavors that go well together. While this.....

Healthy Habits
4 MIN READ | August 24, 2016
How Your Environment Shapes Your Food ChoicesEating healthy isn’t just about knowing the right foods to eat. For the most part,.....

Jobs at Zipongo
4 MIN READ | April 7, 2016
Diabetes: A Call to Action for World Health Day 2016More than likely, you know someone who has diabetes or is at risk for diabetes. Nearly 30 million Americans have this chronic disease. Another 86 million Americans are prediabetic, which means they ar...

Healthy Habits
4 MIN READ | February 1, 2016
American Heart Month: It's Time to Thank Your HeartWhile your heart is the powerhouse of the circulatory system, its impact is felt from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. Over 60,0000 miles of capillaries, arteries and veins link the hear...

Healthy Habits
4 MIN READ | October 21, 2015
Green Your Diet on Food DayThis Saturday marks the fifth annual Food Day, a movement to celebrate good food. Traditionally, Food Day centers on a theme that is of critical importance to sustainable food systems. This year does...